Member Benefits
The Building Contractors Association of South East Idaho is dedicated to growing and improving the home building industry in Pocatello, Idaho.
Membership in the Building Contractors Association of South East Idaho distinguishes you as a trusted building professional with access to the latest industry advancements, innovative continuing education and training, nationally recognized professional designation programs, unsurpassed networking opportunities, no-cost legal information and research, and hundreds of in-the-know industry experts.

Keeping the Government Out of your Business...
We’re there defending your right to do business at the local, state, or national level. We monitor the complete scene, keeping the members abreast of new ordinances, rules, and laws that affect the industry and our members. It’s a benefit you can’t touch or feel but it means a lot.

Exclusive Discounts...
An important benefit of being a member is your access to discounts and savings opportunities offered by many top companies.
Buying a new truck or van? BCASEI members receive discounts on GM vehicles of up to $1,000
Paying too much for your phone service? Receive savings up to 22% of Verizon plans
Need to purchase new computers? Save up to 30% off on all Dell computers
Purchasing building supplies? Lowe’s - Register and save 2% on your A/R, save an additional 5% on in-store purchases.

Free Legal Research and Statistics...
Take advantage of the legal research service tailored to help members and their attorneys find fast legal answers to tough industry questions. We make it easy for you to find answers.
Regularly receive information on housing starts and completions, employment and permit data, as well as homeownership rates.
Members have access to the National Housing Center Library - The world’s largest library devoted entirely to building information.

Education, Training, and Workforce Development...
Access to dozens of educational courses and seminars especially tailored for your needs as a building professional; all designed to make your company more effective and productive.
Access to several educational resources and safety training materials to help members learn what they need to know about construction safety, keep informed about proposed safety standards, and comply with existing regulations.
Earn industry specific designations and continue to grow in your professional endeavors.

Business Development and Networking...
BCASEI is a unique and active association. Get involved and you’ll develop relationships that will help you and your company grow!
Many opportunities to let members know what your company can offer to them.
Attend a BCASEI event to network, build relationships, and build business!
Just have fun!

There's So Much More...
These are just a few ways BCA of SEI is providing you a tangible return on your dues investment. At BCA of SEI, our goal is to promote the building industry and help you and your business grow and prosper!